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Declutter Your Way to a Clear Mind: Tips for a Tidy Home in 2024

With the New Year comes new beginnings, and it’s time to think about fresh starts. Honestly, it’s always a good time to think about fresh starts and new beginnings if we need them… but the start of a new year practically invites us to do so and who are we to ignore an invitation?

This year, among all the opportunities available to us, why not focus on creating a more organized, clutter-free living space? After all, if you want to improve your life immediately, declutter a closet—hell declutter a counter space and feel the immediate boost in your mood.

The goal of a.l.r Interior is to help you design a life you love at home. No doubt that’s why you are here, but when you're happy at home it can infiltrate the rest of your life outside of the home. Decluttering not only enhances the appearance of your home but also brings a sense of peace and order to your daily life. It brings a fresh perspective and newfound intentionality.


Here are 11 decluttering resolutions to adopt in the New Year for a tidier home:

1. Declutter One Room Per Week

Tackle your home one room at a time, dedicating each week to a different space. This breaks the task into manageable chunks, making it less overwhelming.

There may be some rooms that take more than a week (like an attic or basement), but many spaces can be completed in 7 days. I recommend beginning in the most lived-in areas of your home, along with the Box & Banish method. Never heard of the B&B Method? It's simple - place a box in an accessible yet hidden spot like under a desk or in a closet and put items you're not sure you want to keep inside. After a decided amount of time (e.g., two weeks), if you haven't used any of the items in the box, then get rid of them.

2. Adopt the One-In-One-Out Rule

Whenever you bring a new item into your home, make a rule to let go of another. This keeps your belongings in balance and prevents accumulation.

It can be difficult to keep up during heavy times of consumerism (like Christmas), but now that the new year has begun and your shopping will slow, adopt the rule immediately. As you go through items make note of what may need to be replaced and start a list. The last thing you want to do is get rid of a staple item without having a quality replacement, this can lead to splurge purchases faster than you think!

3. Declutter Clothing Not Worn in Six Months

Go through your wardrobe and part with items you haven’t worn in the last six months. This keeps your closet relevant and manageable.

To help with that, implement the Hanger Experiment by turning around all your clothes hangers backward on January 1 (or whatever day you read this). When you wear an item, return the hanger in the natural direction. After three months, you’ll be able to easily identify which clothes were never worn. If you try it on but decide not to wear it, make sure you put it back with the hanger turned backward—no cheating.

4. Organize One Stack of Paper Each Week

Sort through your papers, bills, and mail weekly. This keeps paper clutter from piling up and makes important documents easier to find. If you don't currently have an organization process for your papers check out this easy home filing system from The Spruce.

If you have multiple piles currently, you’ll want to work through those as well. So maybe start with two piles/week—one old and one current.

5. Spend an Hour a Week Unsubscribing from Email Newsletters

Digital clutter can be just as overwhelming as physical clutter. Dedicate time to unsubscribing from unwanted emails to declutter your inbox. If you don't want to spend an overwhelming amount of time, allow me to introduce you to

I have been using it for years in my personal email and I can't recommend it enough! You can automatically unsubscribe from the spam (how did you even get on this list anyway?), group promotional emails you are actually interested in (love to know about a good sale), and keep your inbox free for the important messages that need your attention.

As an added bonus, you’ll also find yourself shopping less!

6. Donate Unused Items Monthly

Make it a habit to donate items you no longer use each month. This not only clears your space but also benefits those in need. If you don't have items to donate every single month don't sweat it, but it's far less burdensome to donate a little each month than to hoard it up for one big haul. Even If your nearest drop-off donation center is a considerable drive, one drive per month to clear some clutter from your home is worth the effort.

However, if you can't make it consider using For Days, their Take Back Bags fit 15lbs of clothes, bags, shoes, linens, towels, etc.. and they offer rewards for your donations. They even accept ripped and damaged fabrics (as long as they are washed)!

7. Implement a 10-Minute Nightly Tidy-Up

Spend 10 minutes each night tidying up. This small habit can make a big difference in maintaining a clutter-free home. Set a timer each night and commit to working the entire time.

At first, the 10 minutes might not bring a huge noticeable difference, but the more you get used to it (and the more you declutter this year) you’ll soon find 10 minutes to be enough time to complete the most important areas.

8. Digitize Your Memorabilia

Instead of keeping boxes of old letters, photos, and memorabilia, digitize them. This reduces physical clutter while preserving your memories. Plus books add an aesthetically pleasing touch to any room.

For items that you simply can not part with, you can still store them away. Photographing things can also make it easier for you to organize, especially if the boxes have QR Codes of their contents!

9. Set a Monthly Decluttering Goal

Each month, set a specific decluttering goal. Whether it’s a shelf in the attic or your digital photo collection, having a clear target can keep you focused.

I encouraged you earlier to declutter one room each week- and I think that is a good goal- but it’s not possible for everybody. If that’s you, setting a monthly goal might be more helpful.

10. Practice Mindful Shopping

Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it’s necessary, what will it replace (in-out rule), and where it will live in your home. This mindful approach can significantly reduce clutter. One small psychological trick is the tested and proven method known as the 72 Hour Rule.

In a nutshell, anytime you feel like purchasing something that is not essential, do not immediately buy it and delay it for 72 hours before making a purchase decision. If after 72 hours you find it's no longer on your mind, chances are it was impulse and you don't actually need it.

11. Create a Decluttering Checklist

Make a checklist of areas in your home that need the most decluttering attention and work through it systematically. Try linking it with your monthly calendar if that makes it easier for you to execute.

If you need help, the Clutterfree App can do the work for you.


By adopting these decluttering resolutions, you can step into the New Year with a clearer home and mindset. You don’t need to start all 11 at the same time on January 1st... or 2nd. Even implementing 1 or 2 of them from the very beginning of the year will make a big difference.

I hope you found this article inspirational & it encouraged you to try something new in your own space. Until next time Friends, Stay Gold!

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